Chapter 267: Turtle Spirit Armor, Lies_3

Busy laying the foundation, busy expanding, busy growing the Luo Yun Sect.

In the process, each person makes their own gains.

Sima Huiniang was the busiest, but her cultivation didn't stagnate. It was estimated that it would take her only one or two years to reach Qi Refinement Finalization.

She held in her hand a Foundation Establishment Pill given by Luo Chen.

With her qualifications, temperament, daily preparations, and constant guidance from Luo Chen, coupled with the simulated results in the Ghost God Heart Inquiry Mirror,

Her chances of establishing her foundation are perhaps the greatest.

Luo Chen was not particularly worried about her.

What worries him now were the other two.


After Min Longyu's Foundation Establishment ceremony ended, everyone scattered.

Duan Feng sought out Min Longyu to have a spirited conversation about the magic item.

But Luo Chen, he pulled aside two others.
