Chapter 271: Third Order Technique, Mysteries of Gods and Ghosts_3

It can only serve as a reference, a foundation for future needs.

It seems that this method will also benefit Xiao Ling.

With a sigh, Luo Chen carefully stored the "Mysteries of Gods and Ghosts".

It's not the time to give it to Bai Meiling yet.

Luo Chen needs to carefully read it first, confirm there are no issues, then give it to her.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens during cultivation, he would lose his "wise and capable helper".

"Calculating the time, sister-in-law should be at the Foundation Establishment stage in these few days!"

Luo Chen murmured to himself.

A normal cultivator's Foundation Establishment wouldn't last an entire year like his.

Back then, he experienced several failures, and several times of recovery from injuries.

Plus, without a stable Second Order Spirit Land, he needed to manually activate the Ice-Fire Spirit Spring to form a Second Order Spirit Land each time.