Chapter 273: Accumulated Thunder Ninth Mountain, Ten Thousand Li of Flowing Sand Wasteland_1

Once again, Luo Chen met with Li Jinhuang.

The meeting was not held in Hui Long Bay, but inside a "Water Mansion".

Deep inside the Qin Flower River, a winding corridor led mysteriously into the dark unknown.

Two figures, one in front of the other, moved forward in silence.

Luo Chen followed behind, looking with mild surprise at the person in front of him.

Li Yingzhang!

The most likely candidate for foundation establishment in this generation of the Li Family.

He has dual spirit roots, is young, but did not pledge himself to any great sect. Instead, he was personally mentored by Li Jinhuang from a young age.

Such situations do exist.

When a clan is lack of talents, a genius appears.

The best way to handle it is not to send him to a great sect, but to keep him within the family.

Otherwise, once he enters a sect, he might easily forget his origins.