Chapter 277: Chestnuts from the Fire, Are They Falling on My Luo Tian Creed's Head?_1

Inside the Qin Flower River Water Mansion.

Luo Chen was looking at Li Jinhuang.

The corpulent man was sitting cross-legged, his complexion pallid and desiccated.

The wide robe that used to fit him now hung loosely on his skeletal frame, adding to his hollow appearance.

Was this the state of a Foundation Establishment True Cultivator nearing life's end?

The ordinary cultivators may not realize it.

However, with Luo Chen's keen eyesight and sharp spirit consciousness, he could clearly perceive the vital energy ebbing away from him.

Could not hold on anymore!

The already declining Dao foundation could no longer maintain a cultivator's vital energy.

His body at the moment was akin to a sieve, with his essence and vigor leaking continuously.

In the face of Luo Chen's scrutiny, Li Jinhuang seemed very calm.

He had made no attempt to conceal his current state, candidly revealing everything to Luo Chen.

It was a gesture of goodwill!