Chapter 279: New Hatred, Old Grudges Surrounded by Wolves (Seeking Monthly Tickets) _1

Was it wrong?

Hu Chang Le was taken aback.

He had considered all possible issues to the best of his abilities.

Could there still be mistakes within?

In his bewilderment, Hu Chang Xi's gaze was deep and penetrating: "There are never permanent allies in this world. Even old friends can become enemies as the world changes."

Hu Chang Le was stunned.

"Big brother, what do you mean?"

"The relationship between Dan Yuan Sect and Li Family depends on mutual benefits and strength. Now with Li Jinhuang's departure, the ties that bind them together depend solely on benefits, and benefits can sway a person's heart! Now, these ties are in their most fragile state ever."

Hu Chang Xi said indifferently, "The so-called turning from friends into enemies can also happen overnight."

"Just with a slight intensification from us."

Hu Chang Le's eyes brightened, he hadn't thought of that.

He was still relying on past assumptions to predict the future.

This really shouldn't be the case!