Chapter 280: An Arrow Destroys The Eagle, The Battle Of Danxia (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_2

Luo Chen's gaze drifted, watching as the funeral ceremony came to its end.

That heavy coffin, with teamed strength of three Ninth Level Qi Refinement Cultivators from the Li Family and their son-in-law Yuan Dongsheng, was carried out of the Li Family great hall.

Heading towards the Li Family's graveyard.

Li Yingzhang, with a sheathed long sword hanging from his waist and a tablet of the deceased in his hand, walked in the front.

Despite the heavy rain drenching him, his face, other than sorrow, expressed an unyielding determination.

Gazing at the coffin, Luo Chen knew the remains of Li Jinhuang were inside.

What a pity; his journey may not be so peaceful.

At the next moment!

Three glints surged from the sky.

Seeing the three figures, Li Yingzhang's steps halted.

In the rift between the three glints and his Li Family's funeral procession, a man in red stood holding an umbrella.

Would he make a move?

As he grappled with unease, the man in red raised his head.