Chapter 284: This Child, Must Not Be Made An Enemy Of! _2

Yet, he was unmoved!

His hands lifted halfway up into the air, then suddenly pushed down!

The violent Spirit Power Fluctuation, without any concealment, burst out with a crash!

At this moment, Wei Tuo's expression changed.

"No, you are at the Middle Stage Foundation Establishment!"

In his senses, the moment Luo Chen's hands pushed down, the hidden Spirit Power Fluctuation drastically jumped from the Third Level to the Fourth Level Foundation Establishment!

Not only that.

His Spirit Power surged uncontrollably, like a vast ocean.

It didn't even seem like the Fourth Level Foundation Establishment, but more like the Sixth Level.

Such terrifying Spirit Power Fluctuation!

The terror didn't just stem from his opponent's revealed realm.

Wei Tuo's soul trembled deeply, continuously receiving dangerous signals.

He sensed that something was wrong and without launching an exploratory attack, he turned around and fled without hesitation.

However, it was already too late!