Chapter 286: Destroy Their Taoist Lineage, Take Their Wealth! (On Monthly Tickets) _1

The Luo Tian Creed acted swiftly.

But there were those who moved even faster.

That was the Li family of Qin Flower River!

By the break of day at Tanqiu Mountain...

The entire landscape lay in shambles, with blood and fire everywhere.

Li Yingzhang held a long sword in his hand, fearlessly radiating the aura of Late Stage Qi Refinement for all to feel.

Looking at the cultivators who had flocked around from all directions upon hearing the news.

He was completely unfazed, pointing his sword squarely ahead.

"Vengeance for the wronged, redress for the aggrieved."

"Today, my Qin Flower River Li Family will annihilate the Hu Family on Tanqiu Mountain."

"Henceforth, all grudges, feuds, and grievances will be obliterated!"

The spectators were all taken aback.

Indeed, with the offenders killed, there would be no more scores to settle.

But nobody raised a question.