Chapter 287: Rebel Big Formation, Eliminating the Grass Roots (Seeking Monthly Ticket)_2

Min Longyu no longer heard the words that were spoken behind him.

He stepped to a place a thousand meters away from the fortress.

Low-level cultivators of the Geng Family who were at the Qi Refinement Stage and stood guard in patrol, stepped forward to question.

What they were met with, were strands of the strange Spirit Qi emanating from Min Longyu's body.

Wherever he walked, all the Qi Refinement Stage cultivators fell unconscious to the ground.

By the time Min Longyu arrived a hundred meters from the fortress gate, within the city tower, more and more Late Stage Qi Refinement beings had gradually appeared.

Among them, it was easy to spot the high-ranking members of the Geng Family, dressed in rich attire.

Upon sight of Min Longyu, their faces turned grave.

Without much ado, they deployed a large formation.

Looking at the yellow misty spirit light emanating from the large formation, Min Longyu smiled.