Chapter 286: Destroy Their Taoist Lineage, Take Their Wealth! (On Monthly Tickets) _3

Many thoughts were swirling in his mind.

Shen Gongyi came to a distance of thirty meters from Wang Yuan.

He made a bow, "Friend Wang, I, Shen Gongyi, have come. Pardon my intrusion."

Wang Yuan looked at him coldly and uttered two words from his mouth.

"Move aside!"

Shen Gongyi's face slightly changed. In front of so many people, the other party was so impolite.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said sternly, "Dan Yuanzi was indeed in the wrong previously, but he's dead now. Why must you go as far as annihilating him?"

While he was speaking, Wang Yuan raised his hand.

"I'll say it one final time."

"Move aside!"

A dangerous aura began to spread.

Shen Gongyi's eyelid was twinging wildly. He opened his mouth to speak, "Throughout my many years of cultivation in the Tian Lan Immortal City, I have never seen anyone as domineering as you."