Chapter 24: Refining Energy Requires Expelling Miasma

Sun Zhang glanced at Su Changyu, patiently explaining, "If a mortal wishes to cultivate, they must first eliminate the miasma within their bodies. Those of you returning from the exile, the concentration of miasma in your bodies far surpasses that of ordinary people. Therefore, without eliminating the miasma within you, cultivation would be impossible."

With furrowed brows, Su Changyu said, "This, we have long known about. But how can we get rid of the miasma?"

Sun Zhang replied, "There are several ways to rid of miasma. One is the Spirit Cleansing Pond on the island. By soaking in the pond for a day and night, you can completely remove the miasma from your body. However, the materials needed to open the Spirit Pond are surprisingly abundant. Despite the wealth on Liuli Island, we can only open it once every three years. If memory serves me right, the last opening was a year ago. This means we will have to wait almost two more years for the Spirit Pond to reopen."