Chapter 31: Return to Liuli with Full Load

Under the cold moonlight, all the crew members on the Cangyuan vessel had red eyes and were panting heavily.

Even now, they felt as if they were in a dream.

Sixteen large boxes filled with gold and silver treasures were quietly placed on the deck.

Some of them were still so incredulous that they pinched themselves. After feeling the pain, they fixated their eyes on the treasures scattered on the ground, unwilling to look away for even a moment.

Mr. Li did not boast!

He really was able to bring back a shipload of treasures for everyone!

However, this "shipload" was far beyond their imagination!

The various jade artifacts, gold and silver, and jewelry in the boxes were dazzling, making all of them rub their eyes in disbelief.

Having spent half their lives fishing at sea, even their wildest dreams were incomparable to the fantastical scene before them.

Zhang Haobo felt completely blank-minded.