Chapter 143 Mo Sha Destroy Cong Yun_2

The towering statue of the Dharma Transmission Immortal Elders was the first target of the black specks' attack.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, shielded by a gush of white light, became nothing more than sustenance for the black specks amidst the ocean of darkness.

The Immortal statue, beginning from its crowned head, was methodically disintegrated.

Soon, only half its body remained.

Meanwhile, the other black specks swarmed in, turning into thin threads.

Like deadly serpents, they hunted down the fleeing cultivators.

Countless cultivators melted and assimilated into wriggling black particles before they could even scream.

Underneath the dark curtain that blocked out the sun, one couldn't even see the anomaly of the cultivators' fall.

The cultivators on the island were like mourning dogs, running in panic.

In the midst of chaos and despair, only two individuals remained composed.

One of them was Li Fan's clone.

He watched the ink-filled sky with a calm expression.