Chapter 145: The Mysterious Ways of Fate

The so-called Lan Yu Sect does not refer to the descendants of Immortal Lan Yu.

Rather, it specifically refers to the vast powers associated with Immortal Lan Yu that have grown inextricably.

Immortal Lan Yu ruled Yuandao State for thousands of years, with countless cultivators under his command.

They occupied key positions in the Alliance of Thousands of Immortals of Yuandao State.

Although Immortal Lan Yu has fallen, the Lan Yu Sect remains unshakable.

It still has absolute rule, and others cannot move it in the slightest.

However, there are no challengers from the outside.

Among the Lan Yu Sect, internal strife began to stir.

The root cause is that everyone wants to be in charge.

When Immortal Lan Yu was alive, everyone naturally respected him.

But now, with the Immortal fallen,

None of the various factions within Lan Yu respect each other.

To seize the position of the speaker, they began to fight fiercely.