Battle of the Ancient World's End 203

As if to prove Li Fan's point.

Three days later, Li Fan received a hush fee.

Ten thousand contribution points, plus three medium-rank techniques.

They asked Li Fan to forget everything related to Zhou Qingang, and to mention it to no one.

Li Fan had no objections.

He openly accepted the reward.

Ten thousand contribution points was not a small sum.

More importantly, his authority level successfully rose to 10, unlocking new privileges.

When searching for information in the Tianxuan Mirror, he could now preview some materials that he would originally need to advance to another cultivation stage to see.

For example, some hidden information that only those at the Golden Core Stage are privileged to know, Li Fan, who was currently in the Foundation Establishment Phase, could view in advance due to his authority level reaching 10.

As usual, Li Fan searched for techniques to enhance his multi-tasking ability.