Chapter 212: Defying Fate and Locking the Treasure Box

Da Xuan.

Following the location in his memories, Li Fan found the Tomb of Yi Xing without much effort and broke the mechanism.

He set up an array around him to prevent anyone from accidentally entering later.

After many years, Li Fan entered the Tomb of Yi Xing again.

He went through the long tomb passage and arrived deep inside the grave.

Bright Pearls shone like stars on the ceiling, a Cloud Sea lingered beneath his feet, and mountains stood in clusters.

He could discern the traces of the array at first glance.

"Can this array actually remain operational for thousands of years even when the Spiritual Energy is cut off?"

Li Fan was somewhat surprised and started to carefully inspect it.

Before long, he understood the reason.

"Using the Bright Pearls as stars."

"Using the soil dug out from various famous mountains in Da Xuan as mountains."

"Substituting the real with the virtual to minimize the energy consumption of the array."