Chapter 284: The Law of Nirvana Rebirth

Faced with Zhang Qianmo's questions, Li Fan simply smiled and remained silent.

"I never thought that once the world's premier sect would now stoop to cooperating with demonic beasts."

A hint of contempt flashed across Zhang Qianmo's face: "It seems that all these years, the efforts of the Xian Dao sect have not been in vain."

Li Fan's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a mysterious tone: "Brother Zhang, some things in this world are not as simple as they seem on the surface."

"What if I told you, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Mystic Sky Sect. Would you believe me?"

Zhang Qianmo looked at Li Fan as if he were an idiot, his expression suggesting 'do you really think I would believe that?', and he snorted without replying.

Li Fan laughed and didn't press further on the issue.

While looking at Zhang Qianmo and flipping through Li Chen's memories, he discovered some interesting details that he hadn't noticed before.