Chapter 355: New Field outside the Abyss

"Provocative defiance, self-sacrifice for others?"

"If it weren't for my [Real] power, allowing me to start over at any time, I would never make such a choice!"

"It truly unsettles me!"

In the vast Mist Sea, Li Fan initiated the Violet Firmament Divine Thunder Jitsu, transforming into a purple radiance, and sped towards the Eternal Immortal Fortress.

Suppressive and depressive emotions lingered in his heart for a long time.

Meanwhile, the Xuanhuang Heart-Refining Spell, which had always been beneficial, was operating unusually slow for some reason.

Like a terribly heavy millstone, it absorbed his inner sentiments and gradually grounded it out.

This felt different from Li Fan's previous erroneous practice of crudely crushing everything.

Now, the Heart-Refining Spell refined those rebellious emotions triggered by going against his Dao heart into strands of cold aura, flowing into the depths of his body and nourishing Li Fan.