Chapter 378: Changes in the Five Heavens

"Five Elements Great Cave Heaven..."

This term was too sensitive.

So much so that Lu Qixian subconsciously ignored the rest of Huang Fusong's words.

She mused for a moment but did not express her thoughts on the spot.

She simply redirected her gaze from below, then, under the watchful eyes of many cultivators in the Spirit Transforming Stream, she turned into a rainbow light and returned to her resting place.

Huang Fusong and Dong Fangyao, having wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, quickly followed.

"Congratulations, Brother Huangfu, for being able to strategize in front of Chief Lu this time. Surely it signifies a boundless future ahead!" Dong Fangyao said to him while flying.

"Don't try those tricks on me, Dong Fang. How could Chief Lu, who she is, need my advice? She's just being cautious. So that in case of any backfire later, it would be convenient to push me, the one who proposed the idea, as the scapegoat."