Chapter 404: Appearance of the Heavenly Spirit

As for what danger lied in the Sky-spirit State, Lu Xuejing didn't know.

All she could sense was a subtle hint of abnormality from the indifferent demeanor her mother, Lu Qixian, showed when talking about Sky-spirit State affairs.

In the past, whenever Chief Lu showed such an expression, it usually meant a bloodbath would ensue.

"Could it be, the Alliance of Thousands of Immortals wants to kill the donkey after it has left the millstone so soon?"

Li Fan was somewhat confused.

If that was the case, it seemed a bit too hasty.

Couldn't they at least pretend to put up a show and reward everyone after the Spirit-locking Formation was completed?

Or was there something else hidden beneath?

"No matter what, I mustn't go to the Sky-spirit State."

"Considering the power displayed in the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven that day, the power of the Spirit-locking Formation is probably superior even to the Unity-Path."

"When the situation is unclear, it's wise not to risk oneself."