Back in the Fallen Immortal Realm, that wise Exotic Beast, Emperor Tri-Moa, once said to Lu Ya, "What we see with our own eyes is not always the truth."

Similarly, the conclusions Li Fan has drawn now may not necessarily be entirely accurate.

It's like blind men feeling an elephant, the perception might not present the whole situation.

But it could be part of the truth nonetheless.

The Transformation Crystal Body in his Spirit Consciousness emitted a brilliant blue light, instantly recording the myriad of thoughts turning in his mind.

Next, what Li Fan needed to consider was how to deal with the lady in green.

Not long after she finished speaking, Li Fan shook his head and replied, "[Immortal Ruins]' power is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people."

"The impact of an existence that can even distort space-time is unpredictable."

"You say that after severing the Immortal Termination Channel, you would be able to free yourselves from constraints and be truly free."