Chapter 450: Remarkably Divine

"Cloud-water Illusionist Art", "Extraordinary True Spirit Transformation Technique", "The Secret of Swapping Day and Night"...

Li Fan had once practiced these techniques, which could be considered exceptional and superior.

But compared to the "The Creation and Transformation Furnace Technique" he acquired in his mind, everything else seemed insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Li Fan indulged in the wonderful lines of the technique, feeling as if he could glimpse the true mystery of heaven and earth through this technique.

He even had a sense of anticipation that in this era, without the various constraints of cultivation, even a waste with no cultivation talent could step by step, with this technique alone, refine, evolve, and sublimate himself to eventually attain transcendence and become a Daoist Immortal!

What is Great Taoist Profound Art? What is the ultimate righteous technique?

This is it!

It truly lives up to the word of "Creation".