Chapter 481: The Plague God Visits

Misthaven Ocean, an uninhabited island.

Sikong Yi and Baili Chen cautiously looked around, making sure no one was following them, before they entered the Hidden Cave Mansion they had created themselves.

The place was small and extremely simple.

However, being in there, Sikong Yi felt extraordinarily at ease.

His clone, Baili Chen, stood at the entrance, vigilantly on guard.

The real Sikong Yi, though, was completely relaxed, lying on the bed, contemplating his future plans.

"If I'm not mistaken, the anomaly in the center of the Misthaven Ocean should be the harbinger of the emergence of the Celestial Palace of Clouds and Waters."

"The 'The Cloud and Water Scroll' should be in this ruin."

"A hundred thousand contribution points."

A trace of longing flashed in Sikong Yi's eyes.

However, doubt quickly emerged.

"The Celestial Palace of Clouds and Waters should still have successors in the world. If I impersonate a disciple and go there, and happen to be discovered by them..."