Chapter 506: Finally Entered the One Heart Sect

"I think I've read this book before."

"But the contents seem to be different."

As scenes from the book flashed through Li Fan's mind, he felt an almost familiar sense, causing his brows to furrow slightly.

"Fellow Daoist, does this book come in any other versions?" He asked the cultivator who was intensely watching the battle in the sky from his booth.

The bookselling cultivator was initially a bit impatient, but his expression changed slightly upon seeing which book Li Fan held in his hands.

"You must be joking, fellow Daoist. This 'Ancient Cultivation Secrets' was personally written by Lord Heavenly Venerable himself, how could there be other versions?" He denied outrightly.

Even though the body was controlled by a spirit consciousness stripped of most memories, the ability to read the situation had become as instinctive as breathing.

With just a glance, Li Fan confirmed his speculation.