Chapter 533: Red Snake Entwines Around White City

This matter had caused a great uproar at the time, stirring up huge waves throughout the Demon World.

No demonic beast was willing to believe that a human could move freely in and out of Sacred Beast Mountain.

But in fact, it was true.

This cultivator named Lu Ya not only traveled through the Sacred Mountain but also took away the offspring with the purest bloodline from the Tianwu Clan.

What was even more unacceptable to the demonic beasts was that Lu Ya was only at the Nascent Soul Early Stage at the time.

This made the whole matter seem absurd.

Regardless of whether one had reached the Nascent Soul Early Stage or the Complete Nascent Soul Stage, any mature beast on Sacred Beast Mountain could easily kill them with a casual swipe of their paw.

How could such a human cultivator act so audaciously?

Although rumors later circulated that Lu Ya's ability to freely enter and exit Nanming Sacred Beast Mountain occurred because he had received [Emperor One]'s silent consent.