The progress of the contribution collection was surprisingly quick, much to the astonishment of He Zhenghao.

When he leaked the news of Li Fan's plans to restart the fundraising, many cultivators from the Misthaven Ocean didn't want to miss out on this rare money-making opportunity. They eagerly and without hesitation transferred their contributions to He Zhenghao.

He Zhenghao was busily overwhelmed, experiencing both pain and pleasure.

It took less than seven days to achieve half of the goal, having received nearly fifty-three million contributions.

Handling such a huge amount of contributions subtly changed He Zhenghao's own attitude, even though he wasn't consciously aware of it.

"Ah, what kind of life was I leading before I met the Emissary?"

"For a mere two or three hundred thousand contributions, I was leading a frugal and anxious life every day."

"How stifling!"

Looking back at the past, He Zhenghao couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.