"Invading the Immortal Cultivation World..."

Sima Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly, as if recalling something.

After a moment, he said slowly: "Now when people mention it, most cultivators regard it as a farce. But in reality, the scale of the Little World Alliance is far from being just a farce."

"Otherwise, why would the ever-hostile Alliance of Thousands of Immortals and Five Elders Organization need to unite?"

A subtle gleam flashed in Li Fan's eyes as he leaned in, asking in a blurred tone: "Unity? Just to deal with the Little World Alliance?"

"Sima, you didn't get it wrong, did you? Isn't it said that the Little Worlds are all inhabited by banished mortals?"

"How could we cultivators struggle so hard against these ants? Besides, we have the Immortal Sovereign dominating the world. Can they really win against us?"

Sima Changkong, seeing Li Fan's incredulous face, was not angry.

Instead, he smiled slightly and flicked his finger, a drop of blood flew in between them.