Chapter 575: The Premature Apocalypse

When Li Fan made his debut, the silver starlight and the uncontrollable Dao rhyme around him naturally resulted from the combination of [Mortal Stardust] and Enlightenment Pills.

For this reason, Li Fan swallowed in one gulp the [Mortal Stardust] that had reversed the thought of his beloved, as well as hundreds of Enlightenment Pills.

He didn't seek to digest them himself, as long as the fluctuations from these treasures overflowed.

Looking at it now, the bluff was quite effective.

With each contribution being collected, it should be safe to say that this final fundraising plan will go smoothly unless something unexpected happens.

There was no longer a need for Li Fan to stay here, so he quietly left.

Instead of returning to Misthaven City, he went back to the secret room he had previously excavated deep in the ocean trench and hid once again.

"Dice of the Heaven Earth Yin Yang..."

Li Fan's eyes flickered, and the crystal clear dice appeared in his hand.