Chapter 583: Where is He Zuo Shan?

Of course, it was just an external similarity.

Li Fan could not simulate the restrictions inscribed on the surface of the Spirit Stone by the Alliance of Thousands of Immortals and the Five Elders Organization.

"Present moment, I am only capable of creating simple objects like Spirit Stone, purely consisting of Spiritual Energy."

"However, I become powerless when the structure becomes slightly more complex."

Even so, Li Fan felt overjoyed.

Because it was the beginning of a promising start.

If in future his cultivation stage continuously advances and the depth of his cultivation proficiency increases, it won't be impossible to create something out of nothing in the void.

Breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm led to an exponential leap in strength.

But now, there was an issue lying ahead that needed to be addressed as a priority.

He had run out of techniques to cultivate.