Chapter 595: Though Dead, The Unfortunate Still Exists

The Fisherman and Han Yi, the two men stood facing each other.

A burst of brutal energy suddenly descended.

The Fisherman's face remained calm, his body stood firm like a mountain.

Even the straw cloak on his body, seemed to have settled for countless years, sticking tightly to the Fisherman, unaffected by the external storm.

On Han Yi, a torrential black evil aura surged from the inside out.

Under the envelop of this inexplicable energy, Han Yi's expression was frozen at the moment he was being stared at by the Fisherman.

It looked unspeakably eerie and terrifying.

His pupils disappeared and cracks emerged on his face like shattered ceramic ware.

His entire body intermittently flickered, disappearing into the rolling black aura.

Then quietly reappeared in the blink of an eye.

The changes happened in a mere instant.