Chapter 608: Bloodline Enlightenment and Law Transmission

Li Fan levitated and captured one jar of blood essence, squeezing it into fragments.

The ferocious Kunpeng essence blood surged out from within, wriggling around him like a living thing.

Li Fan extended his hand, and his Cave Heaven Domain enveloped it.

He started to analyze and comprehend it in detail.

The purpose of his study was naturally to recreate the three divine abilities demonstrated by Ye Feipeng in his previous life.

Devouring Kun, Peng Fei, and Transfer Blood Lineage.

Among them, now that Li Fan had the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven, Devouring Kun was no longer necessary for him.

Peng Fei's escape technique, however, was worth referencing.

Most importantly, and also what Li Fan urgently needed to master, was naturally [Transfer Blood Lineage].

This divine ability, originated from the ancient demonic beasts, can subtly influence and change others' thinking by transferring one's own blood essence to others.