Chapter 617 Hongxi Returns to the Clouds

"Finally back, huh…" Li Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Just him? What about Immortal Zi Yun?"

In an instant, Li Fan had played out the whole scenario in his spirit consciousness of their battle of wits when they meet.

Scenarios like: Emperor Hongxi, facing his own usurpation, making a vigorous counterattack, using his God Transforming cultivation level to rally support, and quickly regaining the majority of cultivators' support.

Or maybe, Emperor Hongxi acts calm on the surface, appeasing Li Fan temporarily. Once he lets his gaurd down, Hongxi strikes like a thunderbolt, instigates a rebellion, and instantly turns the situation around. Finally, under the pretext of trumped-up charges, he dismisses Li Fan.

And so on and so forth.

But what Li Fan never expected was that when Emperor Hongxi actually met him, far from any tension, he laughed heartily, giving Li Fan a big hug.

Li Fan's body stiffened slightly, a hint of confusion in his eyes.