Chapter 8 Goal_1

"Hehe, don't worry, officer, I have another plan. You should have understood the human society's network system last night, right? If you have the ability, you can subtly hack into the national financial system and take as much money as you want..."

This plan would be difficult even for top-tier human hackers, but for an alien, Chen Yang was sure it would work.

"You fool, you probably don't know how many resources I need, do you?"

Right Hand's tone was cold: "According to your human calculations, I would need the Three Gorges Hydropower Station to fully power me for a year. Tell me, how much money would that cost? Such a large sum, do you think other humans are as foolish as you, to ignore a lower-tier individual suddenly possessing billions, even hundreds of billions of funds the next day?"

Chen Yang was startled, the resources Right Hand was referring to were the annual power output of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station? How much money would that amount to? No, rather, this is not something that money can solve. After all, even with an enormous amount of money, no country would sell you the entire year's power output of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station. Moreover, as Right Hand pointed out, even if you could exploit the financial system's vulnerabilities to gain hundreds of billions of funds, the subsequent money laundering would be an insurmountable task.

The Three Gorges Hydropower Station began construction in 1994, was fully completed in 2009, taking a total of 15 years with a static total investment of 954.6 billion Renminbi, and a cumulative total investment of 1849 billion. The behemoth built with this scale of investment produces an annual power output of 847 billion kilowatt-hours.

Such power output, compared to the world's largest installed capacity of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station, is nearly double!

Right Hand talking about the annual power output of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, calculated at an average of 0.5 yuan per kilowatt-hour for urban residents, obtaining this much power through purchase would require at least 400 billion Renminbi. Chen Yang's face turned white, this is outright hellish! How many banks would that entail robbing? Damn it, if there's no other choice, would I really have to consider robbing the vault of the United States Central Bank?

No, no, the key issue is that even with a lot of money, you can't buy such a huge amount of energy, right? Unless I personally finance the building of two Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations!

This extraterrestrial creature residing in his right hand, seems to have quite the ambition…

Chen Yang wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, "Officer, I'm afraid your request can't be fulfilled."

"Fool, I'm well aware of the difficulty."

The knowledge Right Hand had was beyond the imagination of fools like Chen Yang, a mere Earthling. Having drifted through unknown light years of the universe, it has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous civilizations. Because of this, after scanning Chen Yang's memory thoroughly and observing the human internet upon inhabiting him, it immediately realized that given its current level of damage and the circumstances of majority of the devices being annihilated, once their existence is exposed to a species civilization which has already utilized nuclear fission and is a step away from practical nuclear fusion, the consequences would be worrisome!

Thus, its first plan is to hide - hide within human society, accumulate its power, wait for the right moment, and most importantly, it must also confront another significant issue at hand.

Thinking about that issue, it had no choice but to start preparations early.

So, it commanded: "Host, now, immediately, go home!"


Chen Yang was surprised, "But, but the business at the noodle shop…"

"Host, I don't want to repeat myself."

Chen Yang shivered and didn't dare to say anything more, quickly dealing with the noodles, turned off the gas, tidied up, and prepared to leave.

"Boss, we'll have two bowls of beef noodle soup."

Two louts who had spent the night in an internet cafe walked in, shouting as soon as they walked through the door.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, something came up at home, I have to go. You can eat next door."

Chen Yang was in a bad mood, all the pent-up anger from Right Hand's commands made him slightly rude in his response.

"Shit, you opened but don't want do business, huh?"

The two thugs had been up all night without any food; they just didn't have the energy to make trouble when they saw Chen Yang closing the shop, so they walked out of the door and headed to another noodle shop.


Closing the rolling door, Chen Yang walked towards his home.

However, halfway there, Right Hand stopped him.


Chen Yang looked around and whispered, "What's the matter?"

"Dummy, aren't you hungry without replenishing food? Go, get food right away."

Lodged within Chen Yang's body, Right Hand's energy also came from the energy absorbed from the food by Chen Yang.

Upon being reminded by Right Hand, Chen Yang indeed felt a bit hungry. He spotted a bun shop ahead and quickly walked over, shouting, "Shopkeeper, give me twenty steamed buns and twenty large buns filled with meat."

The bun shop just happened to have its first batch of buns and steamed buns fresh out of the steamer, and Chen Yang was its first customer. The owner of the bun shop, a man surnamed Li, naturally recognized Chen, a fellow shop owner from the same street.

"Boss Chen, what brings you to enjoy our buns today?"

"Mm, I'm buying for a friend."

Chen Yang made up an impatient excuse.

"A friend? You certainly have a lot of friends."

Boss Li eyed Chen Yang suspiciously. The number of buns and steamed buns he had just ordered was more than a few people could finish; it was a meal portion for at least ten people.

However, how much others wanted to buy was none of his business. Brushing off his doubts, Boss Li quickly bagged twenty steamed buns and twenty buns, filling four food bags in total.

Chen Yang paid, took the four bags and hurried off.

The street was fairly quiet, and Chen Yang popped a steamed bun into his mouth as he walked.

At present, he didn't know what Right Hand had done to him, but when it came to eating, the only phrase to describe it was — eat like a cyclone!

He would bite off half of the bun, which was as big as a man's fist, in one go, chewed it a few times, swallowed, and took another bite.

Who has ever seen someone "arrogantly" devouring steamed buns and buns?

These were not small buns or steamed buns, but huge white flour buns, the food that labor-intensive workers liked most. Even workers consuming huge amounts of energy could only eat three or four of these, and those who could eat six or seven were definitely in the minority. Nowhere near as monstrous as Chen Yang behaving.

By the time he reached the end of the hundreds of meters long street, the twenty white flour steamed buns and twenty meat-filled buns had all disappeared into his stomach — and his belly didn't even look a bit protruded.

Eating a lot should be considered a good thing, but if this portion was ten times that of an ordinary person, no one would be happy about it.

This was also the case for Chen Yang. He estimated just once and his face turned pale. With this appetite, he would need to spend more than three hundred Yuan a day on food, which would amount to more than two thousand a week and over eight thousand a month. God, this was just for food, not including other utilities. Moreover, eight thousand was not a small sum. The average graduate working in this city only earned about three thousand a month, and a middling white-collar salary was barely six thousand. Eight thousand a month was considered a middle-class income level.

Well, being happy was just out of the question. Chen Yang could only live on his savings for two more months at this rate. What would he do then?

Even though this problem was caused by Right Hand, Chen Yang dared not think about it too much in case his resentful emotions were perceived by Right Hand. This punishment would not be worth it.

He discarded the food bags and entered into his little house down the alley.

"Go to the basement."

Right Hand commanded.

Alright, off to the basement then, whatever for.

Taking out his keys, he unlocked the basement door. After yesterday's cleaning, the basement was much cleaner and tidier, at least it was not filled with spider webs and rubbish bags everywhere like before.

"Now, assemble a computer."

Assemble a computer?

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment before he understood. Under Right Hand's command yesterday, he had bought a few monitors, second-hand cases, graphics cards, motherboards, etc. It seemed like this was all to assemble a computer.

Assembling a computer was simple for someone with experience, and could be done in just over twenty minutes. But Chen Yang was destined to be on edge during the whole process.