Chapter 17: The First Step on the Road of No Return (Part 3)_1

"This disaster is due to the remaining three components attaining consciousness. Each of them strives to become the new dominating entity by devouring the others. Throughout this process, the losing entity's consciousness is eradicated, becoming the nourishment for the rebirth of the victorious entity. As a host, you should understand the implications of this, correct?"

"You, you've said so much. You aren't trying to tell me..."

Chen Yang's complexion turned ghastly as he hazarded a guess.

"You're right in deducing that the remaining three components have been lost due to a failed parasitism. It's been quite long so these components may have grown primitive consciousness. We are confronted with this problem now. If we are discovered by these components, our fate will be death."

Right Hand confirmed Chen Yang's suspicion.

Damn it, isn't this totally outrageous? It's tragic enough for father and son to cannibalize each other, but you're even willing to carve up and kill yourself?

Wearing a gloomy expression, Chen Yang held onto his last hope: "Can't you devour the remaining components yourself?"

"I am not a battle-ready component. My primary function is to house consciousness. Against the other components, victory is unlikely.

This wasn't a hard idea to grasp. It's like if a group of people were united under a strategist. But if there were internal strife, the strategist would surely be defeated in battle.

"Then what do we do? Shall we make a run for it?"

Fearing for his own life, Chen Yang started contemplating where to escape to - the United States? Japan? Europe?

"Escape? That's not possible. Running away will not solve the problem. And I need to find the remaining components and devour them. Could you, as a host, give up your own limbs?"

Right Hand quickly shot down Chen's plan to run away.

"Although my combat capabilities are weaker than the remaining components, as the entity that carries consciousness, my wisdom and knowledge outshine the other components. So don't worry, you just need to follow my instructions."

Right Hand pointed at the purchased items and instructed: "Now, we must create some weapons in order to handle a crisis.'

Create weapons?

Chen Yang felt stupefied. An alien wanted to make weapons? How serious was this matter!

Chen Yang's eyes changed as he was gravely staring at the chaotic pile of "junk."

Could these things really be used to manufacture weapons?

Chen Yang's face twitched, expressing some doubt.

"Now, host, go back upstairs and bring down the item that I asked you to keep safe."

Right Hand retracted back into its original form and commanded.

Chen Yang sucked in a breath of cold air. Was the item in his mind that was equivalent to a nuclear weapon about to reveal its true form? Could it be dangerous? Could it destroy the entire city?

With trepidation, Chen Yang exited the basement, locked the door, and prepared to head towards his room. As he exited the basement, he heard "Hello, Mr. Chen."

A fair-skinned, blonde-haired girl and a long-haired brunette carrying bags had just walked in from outside, having bumped into Chen Yang who was just leaving the basement, they quickly greeted him.

The two girls were quite attractive and young. They were the tenants living upstairs who were supposedly models. They were usually out at car shows and gaming conventions. Chen Yang seldom saw them.

Chen Yang frowned. He really didn't care for these girls. He casually replied and went to the stairs.

"Wait, Mr. Chen, don't be so cold."

The blond girl blocked Chen Yang's path. She frowned and pouted, "Every time we try to speak with Mr. Chen, you just ignore us. Have we done something wrong? Does Mr. Chen dislike us?"

"No, you're overthinking."

His expression remained unchanged, "I'm busy right now. If you have stuff to say, let's discuss it later."

Damn it, he's currently busy with something that could potentially be a threat to all of humanity. These two brats should get lost!

Not showing the blonde girl any kindness, Chen Yang eluded her and went upstairs to his room.

"I can't handle this, he doesn't give me any face!"

The blonde girl stomped her foot in anger. When had she ever encountered such a man? Usually, at car or game exhibitions, the male visitors pretended to be focused on the exhibits. Yet, their eyes kept gazing at the models. However, this landlord barely spared them a glance. Could he be gay?

"Alright, Qingqing, give up your dream of being a trophy wife."

The dark-haired girl shook her head. Of course, she knew what her companion was thinking. Being a model seemed glamorous, but could anyone else understand the hardship behind the scenes? Most models fixated on marrying into wealth, hoping to leap into an extravagant lifestyle.

But were wealthy families and rich men that easy to snag?

Leaving aside the fact that not everyone would be interested, even if one succeeded due to their physique, thinking that could lead to a carefree life was a joke. Worst-case scenario, they could end up losing everything.

Those who only harbor these thoughts are bound to be disillusioned, as reality is often harsher than movies.

Her companion, Yu Qingqing, was nurturing such a thought. Seeing that there were no wealthy men **, she had actually set her sights on their young landlord.

Although the landlord was just a few years older, he owned a property. That was a big deal in East Sea City.

The soaring housing prices in East Sea increased by the year. Although, the place was somewhat remote near the suburbs, a house would still cost tens of millions. Not to mention the huge costs during property redevelopment.

Even though the young landlord didn't seem striking, he was actually a concealed tycoon. If he sold the house, he could instantly transform from a pauper to the middle class.

How could Yu Qingqing not be moved? Hence, she wanted to cozy up to Chen Yang.

Unfortunately, her hints to Chen Yang were resolutely ignored and rebuffed by him, which left Yu Qingqing extremely frustrated.

Little did they know, Chen Yang thought they were hardly decent women. Dressing revealingly and having such late hours, their morals certainly raised doubts. Of course, he didn't bother with them.

Upon returning home, Chen Yang anxiously went under his bed, opened the hidden door, and took out the silver cylindrical metal object.

"Host body, bring this item back to the basement."

Right Hand demanded.


Chen Yang took a deep breath. With great care and absolute focus, he held the metal cylinder and cautiously headed to the basement.

He felt unprecedented tension. Even during college entrance exams, he hadn't experienced this much pressure. Failing those exams would simply mean retaking them. If something went wrong with this object, who knows what would happen?

Unknown dangers were the most terrifying, hence Chen Yang had to be extremely cautious.

With the resolve and will to protect nuclear weapons, Chen Yang tightly held the cylinder and successfully brought it to the basement.

Back in the basement, the Right Hand extended like rubber, wrapping around the cylinder to put it on a wooden table.

"Next, host body, I will start making the first weapon. Follow my instructions."


Chen Yang was now a bit curious about what kind of weapon Right Hand planned on creating.

The Right Hand didn't immediately start working as Chen Yang had imagined, but opened the computer's CAD software.

What was it planning to do?

Chen Yang was taken aback. The Right Hand's familiarity with the computer had rapidly improved in just a couple of days. Its speed was now so fast that Chen Yang, a native Earthling, was struggling to comprehend. Now it opened CAD software and manipulated the keyboard and mouse with frightening speed. A detailed and complex blueprint began to gradually appear on the screen.

It was so fast!

Chen Yang had previously seen the speed at which the Right Hand coded, but this time its drafting speed truly shocked him. His face gradually changed with surprise and admiration.

At least up till now, this extraterrestrial parasite not only appeared bizarre, but its technological level also far exceeded human capabilities.

This certainly wasn't good news for humanity.