Chapter 29 Overclocking (Part 1)_1

What struck Chen Yang as even more coincidental was that after the two girls left, they turned a corner and walked straight to his uncle's house, where they stopped and rang the doorbell.

This didn't need to be explained further, it was evident that these two were Chen Yang's cousins' classmates!

Chen Yang followed the two at a leisurely pace, eventually arriving at his uncle's door.

This act immediately alerted the two girls ahead. They glanced at Chen Yang following them and whispered something to each other.

Fortunately, the security door was opened at that moment. A refined and gentle-looking man in his forties emerged wearing a pair of glasses, looking kindly at the two girls, "You're Xiao Rou's classmates, aren't you?"

"Yes, hello, Uncle!"

The two girls quickly greeted the man politely.

"Ah, come in, Xiao Rou has been waiting for you for a long time."