Chapter 38: Mercy_1

Chen Yang returned to the alley, panting heavily, and took a deep breath to steady his breathing.

Ever since he came out of that state, his body ached and his head spun. He stumbled as he walked.

It was clear he couldn't walk home in this condition, so Right Hand abandoned the experiment and allowed him to take a taxi home.

"Wait, someone's there...

Before he could even enter his building, Chen Yang heard a warning from Right Hand.


Chen Yang was slightly confused.

"Someone's in your room."

Chen Yang's face twitched. If someone entered his room without his permission, who might it be other than a thief?


The word emerged in Chen Yang's mind.

At first, he tensed up. But then Chen Yang relaxed; anyone else may not know, but he was fully aware of what was in his house. Old useless furniture, a worn-out computer and nothing more besides the troublesome bank card.