Chapter 56 - Aftermath (Part 1)_1

After releasing control of Chen Yang's body, Chen Yang, who had been watching the battle, was finally able to move again.

However, he immediately moaned in pain, "It hurts so much, Officer Ross, you might as well wait until I'm not in pain before giving me back control."

"Host body, get out of here."

"Wait a minute, Officer Ross."

Chen Yang rubbed his shoulder, watching as the rotten flesh on his arm visibly scabbed over, fell off, and regenerated. It sent shivers down his spine.

"Officer Ross, are we just going to let them escape?"

It was so close to success but ended up in failure. How could such surrender be accepted? Even Chen Yang, the bystander, wasn't willing to give up.

"Host body, it cannot escape..."

Right Hand didn't seem as disappointed as Chen Yang, "It will appear in that place again."

"That place?"

Chen Yang had a thought, "Are you saying it'll reappear in that tunnel? But why…"

"Because there's something hidden there..."