Chapter 69 TC-100 Drone (Part 1)_1

A few days later ——

"Am I going broke or what..."

It was a bright and sunny day outside, and Chen Yang was in high spirits. A certain wealthy gamer had been on a spending spree in the game, topping up his account with 200,000 in one go, making Chen's account rapidly approach the threshold of 400,000.

Receiving money this way was so easy that it made Chen come to realize just how much money could be made from games. No wonder domestic game companies were continually launching online games, as they were highly profitable.

The money he had earned, compared to the profits made by Penguin's gaming company, was akin to an amateur compared to a master, a gawk putting on airs before Lu Ban, and was simply not worth mentioning.

He sat in front of his computer, chuckling, while his Right Hand continued its research. Perhaps feeling uncomfortable with Chen's gaze fixed on his account all the time, his Right Hand sent a wave of pain.
