Chapter 75 - The Eyes from Behind_1

"We will arrive at Luo Bridge Market shortly, passengers who wish to disembark, please prepare in advance..."

On the bus, a monotonous announcement was reminding passengers to get ready to leave the bus. Such an announcement would sound at every stop, hardly attracting any additional attention from the passengers anymore.

The passengers' attention either remained on the tiny screens in their hands, or they stared solemnly ahead, pretending to look at the scenery. In short, there were a host of things more attractive than this monotonous announcement.

But Li Youruo was different. When she heard the announcement, she immediately shifted her focus from her phone screen. Her eyes flashing, she pointed her gaze to the bus's front doors.

It was precisely seven-thirty in the morning. The stream of office workers was endless as they queued up to board the bus. The air inside the bus immediately became stale, subtly carrying a hint of the smell of meat bun filling.