Chapter 96 Nightmare Begins (Six)_1

As a department manager in a company, Fang Ye had a good habit. No matter how absurd or unattainable his subordinates' suggestions may be, he would always listen to them attentively and identify the flaws in them, explaining why they were unviable.

Thanks to this persistence, not only was his department the most cohesive, but it was also the one where creativity flourished the most.

Even though he felt Chen Yang and Luo Rui's words were ridiculous, Fang Ye only remained silent for a moment before asking, "What's this 'Escape' game you are talking about?"

Luo Rui wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and looked at Chen Yang to find him silently staring at the pitch-black sky. Luo Rui had no choice but to stutter an explanation: "'Escape' is a horror game released last year. In it, players take on the role of a reporter investigating a series of horrifying incidents in a mental hospital while uncovering the truth."

"Horrifying incidents? What kind of horrifying incidents?"