Chapter 106 Study_1

"Did it fail?"

Three days later, early in the morning, after enjoying a delicious breakfast, Chen Yang went to the basement to start an experiment.

As usual, while studying from books and gradually conducting experiments, Chen Yang's days were both calm and complicated.

To call it calm was because no one disturbed him, which was worthy of praise.

To say it was complicated was because the content he needed to learn was indeed a bit too much.

Right Hand had always looked down on Chen Yang's knowledge, always degrading him as a fool, which has always been very unfair. Chen Yang's scholarship may not be at the top level, but it is at least at the lower elite level. If anything, among a group of fools on Earth, he is definitely not the stupidest.

Well, in Right Hand's view, being a little bit stupid is almost the same as being the stupidest.

So, after Chen Yang had undergone the virtual reality combat training, the most important "education" began.