Chapter 108 Buying Books (Part 1)_1

Having finished his work, Chen Yang looked at the time. It was half past eight in the morning, about time for him to head out as planned.

As the saying goes, the more one learns, the more confused they become. The more we know, the more we can feel our own inadequacies.

A few days ago, he had bought some study books at a bookstore, and was almost done reading them, so he planned to go buy some more today.

Dressed and ready, Chen Yang snapped his fingers. The AI module in his main system automatically took over all his work, and meanwhile, the lights in the room began to dim, entering a low-power mode.

Leaving his basement, Chen Yang hailed a taxi on the street outside and headed straight to the largest Xinhua Bookstore in the city.

Xinhua Bookstore, established in 1937, had a history of 77 years. As a state-owned book distributor, there were five grand branches in the city of East Sea.

Chen Yang was heading to the largest of these branches.