Chapter 119 Death Game (Three)_1

Finally, after Fang Ye had gone over, someone had the sense to look at the time and immediately exclaimed, "Not good, only six and a half minutes left!"



The continuous sound of rocks crumbling blared like the wails of the Grim Reaper, inducing fear in everyone.

"What should we do?"

"Who's next? Hurry up!"

"I, I'll go first."

A chubby man stepped forward. Ignoring the commotion around him, he hurried onto the teeterboard, following the path Fang Ye set.

However, unlike the determined and composed Fang Ye, the chubby guy could only manage two steps before the sight of the lava below made him tremble. He clung to the teeterboard, too petrified to move.

"Damn it, fat man, would you just move!"

The others were startled by the chubby guy's paralysis, fervently urging him to crawl forward. Unfortunately, his fear held him steadfast in place, making it impossible for him to move even an inch.
