Chapter 141 Edge of Crisis (Six)_1

"Honey, aren't you home yet?"

"Uh huh, we just split up. I'm crossing the bridge, soon I'll be home."

A BMW X1, like a huge dragon lying across the Huangpu River, follows the flow of traffic across the double-towered, double-suspension Nanpu Bridge.

Under the bridge's sweeping lights, the vast structure stands proudly, gleaming brightly and looking spectacular against the dark night.

Countless vehicles spiral up from the looping on-ramps, merging into the flow of traffic, heading toward Pudong on the other side.

Hanging up the phone, the man gets back to focusing on steering. Pressed by the call of nature, he hurries to get home.

But then...


A dark figure suddenly flashes from the right, glancing off the hood of his BMW X1 like a skipping stone before crashing onto the left lane.


The man is scared out of his wits. He slams the brakes, tires and cement ground screeching against each other.
