Chapter 154: Plan Execution (Part One) _1

"Could it be..."

Chen Yang hurriedly pulled up the file database, and sure enough, he found a photo in one of the folders.

This photograph was fully 3D rendered by the Right Hand, the shuttle-shaped silver object in the photo, was the Sub-Yuan Spaceship No. 128, as referred to by Right Hand.

In a photo that Curiosity transmitted back to Earth, four shuttle-like objects were embedded in the sandy ground, their exposed exterior nearly identical to the Sub-Yuan Spaceship No. 128.

The photo was in black and white, making it difficult to discern if the four shuttle-shaped objects were indeed silver. However, Chen Yang had a faint premonition at this moment; these objects should be similar to the Sub-Yuan Spaceship.

On the forum, the hacker who leaked this set of photos, also showed a particular interest in the objects on the photo, specifically marking them with a red circle and asking, "What on earth is this?"

"This is something you shouldn't even touch!"