Chapter 167 Quiet Death (Part 2)_1


Two screams rang out abruptly, echoing in the deep tunnel, unable to dissipate for a long time.

Unbeknownst to when, a drizzle had suddenly begun to fall from the sky, imparting a cold chill to this season that was already into autumn.

An hour later, around the tunnel where the incident took place, yellow police tape had already been put up, and five or six technical cops were identifying and collecting evidence at the scene.

By the time Liu Zhongyi and Wang Xinhua arrived, the bodies had already been put into body bags, awaiting transport to the forensic lab for further autopsy examination.

Donning gloves and taking the photographs from earlier evidence collection, Liu Zhongyi's face changed, his prominent eyebrows unable to resist furrowing.

"Captain Liu, what's wrong?"

Wang Xinhua was confused.

"You have a look."

Handing the photograph to Wang Xinhua, Liu Zhongyi continued inspecting the next photograph.

"This, this is..."