Chapter 169 Search (Part 1) _1

"Pat, Pat..."

In the quiet tunnel, suddenly came the sound of footsteps.

Under the not-so-bright tunnel lamps, Chen Yang gradually came into view.

"Is this the place?"

Chen Yang suddenly stopped walking, his calm eyes scanning the surroundings.

Everything looked normal, nothing unusual.

"Last time its pheromones were was here..."

Right Hand swiftly scanned the tunnel, then curled back in, saying, "It had definitely been here."

"So, that means we can't pinpoint its location now?"

Chen Yang pondered Right Hand's words and counter-questioned.

"Your understanding is not wrong, finding it now will be tough, unless it exposes itself again."

"So... we can only wait around?"

"No, next I will emit my own pheromones and vibrations. If it lures it out, that will be the best outcome."

Chen Yang partially disagreed with this approach. He didn't oppose it, but in the past week, they had tried this strategy of emitting pheromones to lure the creature more than ten times.