Chapter 203: Ruins_1

"Yes, of course, that's not a problem..."

Pier had no objections at all. It was just a site after all, and in his mind, it couldn't compare to the devil from China.

Gas masks were quickly procured. Considering Pier's obesity, he probably wouldn't be able to descend into the excavation. Chen Yang instructed Liu Herlan to stay above, while he and Wang Rui climbed down into the deep hole they had dug using a ladder.

Upon approaching the stone archway, the engraved patterns on it became much clearer. From the sharpness of the turns, pauses, grooves, and ridges, one could clearly see their definition. Despite the passage of time and being buried in soil, the colors had not faded at all.

If someone were to say that the indigenous people of Australia had carved these marks with such precision, not just the foreigner Chen Yang, even local archaeologists would shake their heads in disbelief.