Chapter 222 Official Release (2)_1

However, today, the admin banned dozens of user IDs and even pinned a warning post to the top of the page. Yet, the violators remained undeterred, flooding the forum with irrelevant posts.

By the time Chen Yang arrived at the official forum, the admin had already started to limit the total number of posts per hour, which barely stemmed the wave of off-topic discussions.

This scenario was understandable. After a long wait, the official release of the game was due for download tomorrow, and many gamers were understandably excited.

That said, the gamers' excitement was causing headaches for the technical team, much to their dismay.

Take He Jun for instance. As one of the forum's administrators, he slammed his hand on the desk, bellowing, "These damn troublemakers!"

His comrade, Wu Yan who was sitting next to him, shot a glance his way, "What's the matter now?"