Chapter 232: Deteriorating Weather_1

In any case, everything still depends on the weather tomorrow. If the blizzard stops by dawn, then Chen Yang can continue his journey. If it does not, he can only stay idle in one place...or try to return to the subway station.

"It would be great if there was GPS."

There is no GPS, not even standard 3G, 4G signals. However, he had planned to set up a high-power omnidirectional antenna to control several drones for a comprehensive search and detection of New York City once he returned from this several-day exploration journey.

The perk is that the drones can scan from high above, providing a certainly more comprehensive view than his own.

The disadvantage, however, also exists. The lack of stealth and increased exposure are drawbacks compared to Chen Yang's personal exploration. He must also find a safe place for the placement of the high-power antenna, which can be a hassle.